Thursday, 21 April 2011


If you know my husband you'll know he is an avid sci-fi reader, something I do not understand! I think it is amazing that star trek's imagined technology is an example of something I believe to be true.
It is this, that I don't know that we can accomlish goals if we can't visualize or imagine the desired result or the steps toward something etc. (it can be very abstract, as it often is with something like a painting). Sometimes it's a picture, an idea, a paragraph we've scribbled, something we've read, something in a friend's life, or in our heart and felt but nonetheless we humans seem to need to "see" in our minds where we are going in order to get there. This may seem limiting but not at all, that's why we need to excersize our minds, read, and stretch our imaginations! Point: We now have tablets and digital readers to read books just as imagined in Star Trek ("the next generation"). What if we were embarrassed to imagine something so ridiculous sounding then? Perhaps we wouldn't have the technology we have?
This is the log I use to keep track of any ideas I have. It's not very romantic, it's pre-outlined, and store bought but I am a highly visual, abstract person so this is a very effective tool. Journaling is such a wonderful thing! It brings the abstract into reality. If you haven't started journaling - do it! In any form! I've art journaled, journaled in poetry, I know people who simply write prose or essays on the days thoughts, even piont form! So helpful!

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